Often he just sits and whines and refuses to move. So I
stand patiently, don’t look at him, don’t talk to him and so he trots along for
a whole three steps and then he stops and he whines and he refuses to move and
rinse and repeat. He just doesn’t get it. It can take us fifteen minutes to
talk the length of my street some days.
However, when I do get him going he sure goes. He’s either a lazy sod or
a champ when it comes to walking. When
he is willing he trots along nicely, investigating leaves (which move in the
wind omg his little mind was blown!) and getting to know the neighbours. Being the type of dog that he is, his legs are
really too short for his body so he more runs than walks even though I dawdle myself
to let him keep up. His breeding shows when he is wary of strangers and other
dogs but willing to say hello once he is sure. He really is brilliant when he’s happily
walking. He loves the canal when I can get him there and walking right smack
through the middle of the deepest muddiest puddles he can find. (Isn’t so fond of the brushing required
afterwards but it is good to learn!) I
think it shows that if I can win this battle of wills over who is leading the
walks and deciding where we are going and how long for that we are going to
have a great time out and about together XD
Another strange trick to get Nico to walk though is to take...the cat. For some reason, Nico is quite happy to follow Morgan around the block and up and down the street. He doesn't chase her but just toddles along quite happily beside her. I have photographic proof. It makes me look like some sort of Doctor Doolittle. They both seem happy enough with the arrangement but I never thought I'd be wondering if the cat wanted to come a walk to get the dog going that is for sure!
Though, on the note of dogs and strangers. Lhasa Apsos are
weary of strangers because their original purpose was to be guard dogs for Tibetan
Monks. I’m really quite sick of people touching Nico without him consenting.
And yes, he can consent. His body language makes it obvious about whether he
wants to be touched or not. If he is moving towards you with his tail wagging
than he’s ok to be touched. If he’s stood at my feet watching you silently, he
is still sizing you up. Leave him alone! A small boy was walking by and very suddenly
reached out and patted Nico on the head today. My wee man jumped and startled
before running between my legs. The mother waved it off and said ‘I knew he
would do that’. Well, do something about that. If Nico had reacted by biting
the boy I doubt it would have caused her the same giggle she had today. Nico
only has baby teeth so I doubt he could do much damage at the moment but he
will get bigger. If the dog feels threatened, it won’t be my fault if he
defends himself. It is another matter if he’s pulling on the leash and snarling
but the situation today? The blame would be with the child and ultimately the
mother who hasn’t taught the child any better. I would never have been allowed
to reach out and touch a dog without permission when I was young. That probably
has something to do with why I’ve never been bitten hmm?
Sam and Nico
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